Have you seen that episode of Gilmour Girls where Rory is visiting colleges and starts to freak out about all the things she doesn't know? She visits the library and marvels at the number of books, prompting the following discussion:
RORY: Thirteen million volumes? I’ve read like, what, three hundred books in my entire life and I’m already sixteen? Do you know how long it would take me to read thirteen million books?
LORELAI: But honey, you don’t have to read every one of them. Tuesdays with Morrie? Skip that. Who Moved My Cheese?Just stuff you already know.

My goal with this project is to be the Lorelai to folks who want to know more--if not EVERYTHING--about Broadway, but don't know where to begin. Helpful, occaisionally dismissive, and generally aware that there's a lot to learn, and you don't need to go all in on all of it right away.
A single song is a pretty unintemidating entry point for a show. If you like a particular song, I hope it encourages you to fall down many rabbit holes of other songs from that show, other songs by those authors, or whatever Uncle Algo Rithim brings your way.